I love how the chick that’s getting spooned is having a look back just to make sure the other one doesn’t actually bite her shoulder… you know, never mind the fact that she’s slipping her hand up her twat for a fisting. Nope, that part is quite alright, fist away at your heart’s content, just don’t bit ok.
Those puffy nipples of hers though, they look like they belong in my mouth. Is it just me or do they look super suckable?
What exactly is the deal with puffy nipples by the way. Without me tearing into Google, does anyone know? Preferably one of the chicks, you know since they actually experience this, as opposed to the guys because on the internet apparently everyone’s an expert, especially the guys. They say “opinions are like assholes, everyone has one”.
I’ve only ever noticed those puffy nipples on teen girls, never on adults. Does it have something to do with puberty perhaps?
I’m going to scoop this LezCuties.com discount with full network access as I see they have a whole host of young hotties experimenting with their sexuality and that’s pretty damn hot.
The post Lez Do Dis! appeared first on Bailey Knox.